DBS is a leading financial services group in Asia. It is headquartered and listed in Singapore and has a presence in 18 markets. DBS is focused on three sustainability pillars: responsible banking, responsible business practices and creating social impact. It provides a full range of services in consumer, SME and corporate banking. It also caters to the insurance needs of its customers.

For the Relationship Managers at DBS, getting quotes from multiple insurers was tedious and time-consuming. It was also difficult to track the data and the progress of each of their RMs. Also, the current process was limited in terms of comparing and suggesting the right policies to their customers. DBS wanted a supportive tech framework to solve their issues and improve the process for their users and customers.

Turtlefin helped DBS streamline its processes on the front-end and back-end.
The platform created for DBS smoothly drives the user across various stages of purchasing the policy.
Turtlefin also enabled easy data management and processing by successfully integrating the front-end and back-end. The integration also simplified storing the data generated on the front end for analysing and measuring performance.
Insurance Distribution Platform
The Front-end Insurance Distribution Platform. The platform has been upscaled to offer products across different categories, including bike, car, health and life insurance.
The 3 pillars of the insurance
distribution platform are
lead management system,
business management system and
lead creation system.
It enables quote creation, comparison, and sharing with a few easy steps.
Thanks to the search functionality, the leads generated can be easily accessed through the ‘Leads’ dashboard.
The platform gives relevant product suggestions based on customer information and needs analysis.
Payment links can be shared at the click of a button with the customers.
The users can track their monthly sales under the ‘Business’ tab.
Administration System
The Back end administration system The administration system has enabled DBS to track and manage data from the insurance distribution platform through an integrated system.
The integration of both platforms has smoothened the process of buying insurance and tracking the progress made at the same time.
The integration has simplified storing and managing the data generated on the front-end. It has also enabled the platform to quickly fetch the data requested by the users on the front-end.
Thus, the platform created by Turtlefin has made insurance purchase an effortless exercise for the users at DBS.